
Is it safe to drink your own urine?

by  |  earlier

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ive heard it is safe to drink and good for skin complection and many other things but how much should you drink of it ?




  1. I always check the answers first, unlike faeces, urine is not only sterile but is mildly antiseptic, it was used in the trenches in WW1 to clean wounds when no clean water was available, it contains no bacteria and is not poisonous.

    All that being said, you body carefully extracts all the soluble waste products in your body and gets rid of them in your urine, if your body has done it's best to get rid of them, why on earth would it be beneficial to drink it?

    But to answer your question, yes it is safe if you want to follow the nutters who do.

  2. I cant think of anything worse than drinking yr own urine. I'd rather drink tea (and i loathe tea) or die of thirst!!


  4. i duno,try it -x

  5. yea, put it on ice it taste like beer. not only is it safe to drink your urine, it's safe to suck your blood and chew on your poo poo.  Honey, you'll never go hungry.  USA

  6. ive been on the bevvy since friday night and am still hungover today..... my urine would fuel a car for a week - so i aint drinking it.... but i can send a bottle to you if you wantit.

  7. ugh-who wud wanna do that??its disgusting!!

  8. No! It's a falacy, if it was good for you, you're body wouldn't treat it as waste. Don't drink it.

  9. you can if you want, but Urine is a poison.

  10. you will get sick and puke it back up....unless u wanna drink that...ewww  urine is all the liquid waste in your body...its like eating poo.  It tastes bad and you will be drinking waste and bacteria.

  11. Why would you want to anyways

  12. Absolutely! It's actually really healthy for you. You should try it

  13. if you were stranded on a desert  island maybe

  14. eeeeeeeeeeeeee

  15. I heard that, unlike f***s, urine is sterile.

  16. Yes it is.

  17. I have heard that as it is passed it is sterile and safe to drink.  Nurses used to taste the urine of patients to test for sugar diabetes.  Thank God I do not have to do that now.  I will try most things, but that?  Naah!

  18. try it and then give yourself feed back

  19. plus its your body wastes. your body does not want it in your system part of the reason its your pee.

  20. Yes.

    It IS safe.

    Anyone ever head of urine therapy?

  21. scientifically, urine is not harmful if drunk, however poo is - because it has millions of bacteria that the stomach is not designed to deal with

  22. He did it on Man against Wild ! He did something though with clear wrap and the sun and the toxins separated from the water, he was in the dessert.

  23. i think it is cos Ive heard of survival stories where they havent had anything else to drink....But...why would you want to do it??!!

  24. "Urine is apparently very good for you! You can drink it, rinse your mouth with it, gargle with it and wash your hair with it. It is benefits your immune system, skin, teeth, gums and hair. MMA fighter Luke Cummo does it, and so does Joe Rogan, as admitted live on UFC!

    I, on the other hand, will have to pass up on the extraordinary benefits of urine, as I am put it bluntly....STUPID ENOUGH TO DRINK PEE!" - Mike Reilly

  25. yes, it is actually very good for your brain, it makes your brain react 20% faster after you have drank it for 1 week and makes you remember things a lot easier.

  26. no it can make you really sick and it will taste bad why would you ask a question like that lol

  27. I've heard its good for you but i'll just take peoples word for it as im not trying it :D lol

  28. My only "experience" of this was as part of my survival and escape & evasion training. Evidently, you can drink it - it's sterile - but it contains so many dissolved salts that it actually dehydrates you, so it's not good from a survival point of view.

  29. No, Stupid

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