
Is it safe to drive 1200 miles to Cabo, Mexico from so cali? I hear its really dangerous right now.?

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Is it safe to drive 1200 miles to Cabo, Mexico from so cali? I hear its really dangerous right now.?




  1. hey i went in april this year its not that dangerous i went to michoacan its far and i got there safe. just dont drive in the night drive till like when the sun goes up and stay in a hotel dont drive in night thats when they start to get people and hostage them. becarefull check your tires every time you stop cause i seen like 6 accidents in one day i went  dont speed that's how they crashed........yeah remeber dont drive at night.....people from usa go to mexico daily you will see people from usa on the roads to mexico everyday......mexico is getting safer they build highways basically like freeways. i heard if you go throw new mexico you can cut into cuidad juerzs and save 2 hours in new mexico cut into columbus its by deming it will take you down to mexico cuidad juerzs....becarfull if any girls go dont leave them in cuidad juerzs by them self or mom....cause since 1992 they have killed more then 600 girls and more theing byy have fun!!!

  2. no way. I've done that both ways.

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  4. Hola.  I've driven this road alot.  Its no more safe or dangerous than anywhere else.  I'm wondering where you have heard it is dangerous now?  Anyways, these are few of my tips to a safe drive on the Baja.

    First you must buy auto insurance at the border as you cross.

    1. please don't drive at night. There are suicidal farm animals and drivers without headlights.

    2. Make sure you bring lots of extra water. Extra gas is good too because some stations run out. I'd also recommend 2 spares, and make sure your car is in good working order.

    3. The road is quite narrow and has no shoulders. You will find that a convoy of semi trucks like to drive down the middle and you may come up on them suddenly. Drive defensively.

    4. Don't stop for anyone. Someone flagging you down could be a trick. Call 066 for them, which is 911 in mexico, or tell someone at the next town. In certain parts of Mexico there is an emergency tourist service (we call them the green angels) that patrols the road and will come upon them and then assist them.

    5. Don't go off the main road. Many people are robbed if you are off on your own somewhere deserted. Also you may get stuck in the sand. Plan where you will be pulling over or staying over.

    6. Lastly, you will come across Federalies at check points.  They are very intimidating for those tourists that haven't seen them before.  They are looking for drugs, weapons and fruit/vegetables not local.  They are usually young impoverished men (18) who are doing their first military stint, they carry AK's and they often 'lift' items if you aren't watching...wallets, cameras, ipods, etc.  I have had things stolen.  You can't argue with them.  So to get around this, I'm usually extremely friendly, and offer them all a ice cold soda from my cooler.  They usually leave me alone.

    have a safe trip!

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