
Is it safe to drive for long trip about 200 miles continuously by V W POLO 10 years old?( P reg)?

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i want to drive to manchester from reading(berks). by my p reg polo .and come back in same day. is it safe?




  1. Of course it is

    thats what cars were designed to do!!

  2. check your cars oil, tyres, and water.

    and make some stops to check again while driving. i don`t think is dangerous.

  3. from your question is appears that you do most of your driving in town.  if your vehicle is safe now it will do it more good for the trip than harm in that you will be using higher speeds and getting better gas mileage and "blowing" out some of the carbon build up.  good luck on the trip and enjoy.

  4. Yes it is!

    I was driving whit my friend '74 Mercedes 220D about 400 miles in one day and nothing happened.

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