
Is it safe to eat Ice cream from parlours in Rome, Italy when pregnant?

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I am travelling to Rome soon and would love to eat real Italian ice cream. However I am not sure about the ingredients they put into Italian ice cream. I watched a TV chef programme recently that added raw egg, which of course is a big no no due to salmonella. I also know I can't eat whippy ice cream from vans due to risk of listeria but am not sure about Italian ice cream.

Anyone know the answer?? Short of me learning to ask, is this safe for pregnant women in Italian I will have to avoid it otherwise?!





  1. Hi, I am Italian, pregnant and live in UK. The ice cream in Italy is made by using pasteurised eggs and milk, so it is safe for us mums to be.

    You will find lots of "Gelaterie" (ice cream shops)

    Homemade ice cream can be made with raw eggs but no one actually make it at home anymore, it is cheaper (and better) from the shops.

    Also try the "granita" it is a grated ice with different flavours (lemon, orange, mint, coconut and many others). It is very refreshing especially if served with iced tea and a sweet roll (called brioche).

    Have fun in Rome and enjoy your ice creams!

    salmonella bacteria do not die below zero degrees Celsius! they only die over 100 degrees C.

  2. The laws about hygiene in the matter of food (and not only food) in Italy are very strict....they are very controlled so...the eggs are pastorized so is the milk even in the fresh have no rish at all!

  3. Wow! Good looking out, but I'm not sure. I know that most pregnant women seem to be a little over protective (I'm not criticizing!!) but you can color your hair when you are pregnant.. it won't harm the baby. Most women think they have to go without getting their hair done. Salon color is usually very mild as well.

    Anyway, I would just ask to talk to the manager and ask them what is in it. But if you are worried or they seem to not be sure, just stay clear and get some frozen yogurt... I know.. it's a bummer when you have to pass up ice cream.

  4. Don't worry, italian ice creams are safe, even little children eat them every day in summer.

  5. its ok

  6. Without revealing too many family secrets, the eggs in Italian ice cream are first made into a custard.  This cooks them sufficiently to deal with any salmonella or listeria.  The mixture is cooled, pasteurised cream and fresh fruit is added and then it is frozen.  The only real risk is what might fly into it while it's in the freezer waiting to be served.

    Food and pregnancy are major preoccupations of most Italians.  You'll be fine.

  7. There is lots of good advice here. I hope your only problem will be reaching over the top of the counter.

  8. The risk don't exist..Because salmonella bacterium died under zero..

    Never  had find in Alaska ..Salmonella bacterium you may find in vegetable contaminate..No problem for eggs and milk in ice cream all is pasteurized..It is two century that in Italy we make ice cream we have teach to all the world..

    By Francis - Florence town - Italy

  9. Just some recipes include eggs; if you don't want them, just say it to the seller (or the waiter or whoever :-)

    Anyway food is safe in Italy; rules about hygiene are strict in both Italy and all EU.

  10. I dont see it being an issue... but if you don't feel safe enough to eat it, then don't. I didn't find it an issue and I ate A LOT of gelati when I as in Italy, never got sick, ever!

  11. Italy is not  in a middle of a jungle...!!!! We have a lot of laws about the food and the ingredients of fresh food like ice cream or's everything ok...we are alive and in a good health... the only problems we have with the health is what the foreigns take us..!!!

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