
Is it safe to eat a city pigeon?

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is it safe to eat a city pigeon




  1. strange question, I know people eat wood pigeons, I wonder how long you need to cook wood to make it tender? why would you want to eat one of those things that's life ambition seems to be bombing people and cars? get your own back? to me that seems like the only serious....I don't think you should even consider eating one, they may have a disease....I don't believe it is worth the risk at all

  2. Believe it or not, the city of San Francisco did a study on this (don't ask how I know). Yes, you could eat them (if properly inspected for parasites and cooked thoroughly). However, if you made them a staple part of your diet, you would starve to death. For whatever reason, they don't provide nourishment. They will fill your belly, but not sustain your body. Go figure. S.F. did the study to consider whether to feed pigeons to the homeless. They decided against it.

  3. Yes they are well fed.* Cook it in a crock-pot for best results and tenderness.*

  4. I've noticed in small towns that when Chinese restaurants have opened up the pigeon population has dropped shapely or vanished.  That's all I'm saying.

  5. Texas Pride left out some nutritional facts. Pigeon meat is often very lean, and you could get protein from it, but not fats we also need a bit of. So a pigeon fast would be good for losing weight until the body had the right amount of fat. I prefer the hamburger or pizza fast myself. Regards, Larry.

  6. sure , knock yourself out.

    chomp away.

    mmm , pigeony goodness

  7. Don't see why it would be any worse than eating a pigeon from the country. If its cooked properly it should be safe enough.

  8. I wouldn't do it.  They are considered disease-bearers like rats with wings.


  9. it is safe and in fact i encourage it too! The homeless and the french do it all the time! (seriously the french do eat them)  

  10. Probably if it's cooked thoroughly. But why?

  11. I'm sure you could. I bet they taste like c**p though. Considering what they eat.

  12. Why not? As a kid I did! ohhhhhhhh stop!!! You would be surprised what you would eat if your famely hungry. Besides they eat well. Most eat popcorn and bread.

  13. With all those people who feed them pop corn bread should taste pretty good.

  14. You could but thats like people that wear XXXL speedos....just because you can, doesn't mean you should. I think i'd eat coyote before i ate a city pigeon.

  15. ALL wildgame needs to be inspected for parasites and cooked well, that said if you know they arent out living on sewage have a ball man. Im sure they eat bugs and the bread and popcorn everyone talks about. My grandma used to have me go shoot pigeons out of the barn and she ate those. She lived to be in her 80's so Im pretty sure the pigeons didnt hurt her.

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