
Is it safe to eat shrimp when breastfeeding? What type of foods do I have to avoid?

by Guest60754  |  earlier

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Is it safe to eat shrimp when breastfeeding? What type of foods do I have to avoid?




  1. You can eat anything while breastfeeding!!

    Some women find caffeine affects baby's temperment, as well as dairy products can cause gas problems in baby, and things like spicy foods and garlic.  Generally though, eat whatever you want.

    Some people claim the more varied your diet while breastfeeding, the more likely your child will be willing to eat varied foods once they start solids (your breastmilk changes taste/flavour depending on what you have eaten).  

    So, if you like it, go for it and eat it!

  2. yes it is safe.  i was told that you can pretty much eat anything it does not pass through your breast milk

  3. YES.

    However, if you have a history of shell fish allergies in the family you should avoid them when pregnant and breastfeeding.

    The same goes for all food allergies.  Doctors are not limiting food as much because the links have been drawn to genetics and allergies.  It is highly unlikely that a child will be allergic to a food if there is no family history present.

  4. it is safe but be sure that it is cooked all the way. I think the only food you HAVE to stay away from is sushi because it's not cooked.

    EDIT: my bad I didn't know that you could eat sushi. I never eat it so I was wrong. Sorry ladies!!! :)

  5. EDIT -- oops, misread your question entirely, sorry!

    I ate shrimp frequently when i was pregnant. they're safe to eat, healthy, and delish.  I ate most everything when i was pregnant. the only thing i avoided was fish high in mercury (swordfish, mackerel, etc). the exception is tunafish. I occasionally got a mean craving for a tunafish sandwich -- couldn't resist.  I also ate deli meats (turkey, salami) and brie (which is fine anyway because it is almost always pasteurized). I ate a few hot dogs too. I think everyone is extra cautious these days, which is fine if it makes you feel more comfortable.  But eating a tuna sandwich or a hotdog every once in awhile won't do any harm.  Do what makes you feel comfortable.

  6. Unless you have a history of shellfish allergies in your family, you are fine to eat shrimp. It would be safe to avoid any foods that you have a family history of allergies to. Besides that, there is no blanket list of foods you should avoid. Every baby is different, and if your baby reacts to something, you will know.

    ** Sushi is safe to eat while breastfeeding.

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