
Is it safe to enclose money in the mail to the philippines?

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I am planning to write a letter to a friend and I want to enclose few bills as a souvenir for her.




  1. No NEVER NEVER NEVER EVER send actual cash in the mail.  Always send a check or money order or if you don't want to do that you could always do a money transfer from your bank to the person's bank that you wanted to give money to.

  2. No its not

  3. I don't think you are supposed to do that anywhere. But if you want to try it out make sure the it isn't a big amount and that it is heavily padded in paper so that no one will be able to see through your mail.

  4. yes. make sure it's just for a small value

    when i was a kid, i receive mails from my penfriends abroad. they usually put it between the papers or they fold the paper and put the paper money between

  5. Hi,

    You have not mentioned from where do you want to send your mail and money enclosed in it.

    And as for what other answeres have said about the honesty side of the philipino postmen, I think they are as good as others found in the rest of the world. Well, I am from India and have not  been in the Philippines so I can't exactly say about the people there. But I am d**n sure that if frauds are here in India then they are there in the rest of the world too, be it the Philippines or the U.S.A., or the U.K. Wouldn't you agree?

    Now let's talk about your matter. I think you can enclose some currency. Put the note or notes inside your letter and check  in light well as to make it sure that currency is not visible so that nobody can see what is enclosed inside.

    I have got yet a better idea! You can send your mail via courier. It will be somewhat more expensive than sending a mail via government post. But it will be much more safe and easy though more expensive at the same time.  The choice is yours!

    Note: Don't worry about any loss of your money. If that happens, just take it lightly and try again! But I am more sure about it that your letter along with money will reach the recepient safely.

  6. Please do not. Just last week in the news, they caught mailmen red handed opening mails about to be delivered to homes.

    In the past, our family has experienced receiving an "opened-then-later-taped" mail.

    IF you will send money, send by western union or by bank remittance. IF it's just a few bills, do not send at all. corrupt employees (a handful that destroys the basket) of the Philpost are thorough.

  7. No, never do that.. It will disappear 95% of the time... It might go through once or twice but it will be stolen definitely

  8. i wouldn't recommend it.

    i enclosed money inside a card along with pics and sent it to manila thru USPS. my sister never got the card.

  9. just enclosed 5-10 bucks if you want to, but when it's a large amount don't take any chance(s).

  10. it's best if send the money via western union

  11. NO!  it's NOT safe and is a violation of postal regulations.  don't do it!!!!

  12. I dont think there is any answer that's going to be right 100% of the time. I only know what happened to me. After visiting my gf last June in Manila, I returned home with 400 or 500 php. It sat around for a while, then i sent it back to my gf along with a romantic card.I figured that I probably couldnt go down to the local stores with pesos! I also knew she could use it more than I could.. that was about 10 months ago and the letter never got to her. I really did it to see if it would actually get through to her since I'd heard about the postal system there. Now if I need to really send her a large amount, Its have to go through another route.

  13. Of course! send it to me!

  14. and make the people at the post office tipsy.

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