
Is it safe to exercise during pregnancy??

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i know what any jumping or tummy exercises should be avoided. any other tips what wud be good?




  1. If you were excersising before you got pregnant there is no reason you should not continue. If you jumped before or did tummy excersises before they are perfectly fine. If you have any spotting you should immediately report it to your physician.

  2. I THINK THEY MAKE SPECIFIC EXSERICE VIDEOS for pregnant women. look it up on google

  3. Yea you are supposed to, but nothing real hard though.

  4. exercise is realy good for you,the fitter you are the easier the birth! (apparently) I walked loads in the last few weeks and i went into hospital 12 midnight and had my daughter 4.30am! I no swimming is good to,hope this helps x

  5. walking during pregnancy is really good for ur body..prolly stuff like gentle pilates and water aerobics not the fast paced type but the gentle stretching is good for ur feet

  6. I've been told that most exercises you did before you were pregnant are safe to do during pregnancy but if you didn't exercise before you should just do things like swimming, gentle walking, yoga and pilates etc.  Swimming is the best though because its a good gentle exercise but it also takes the weight of the baby off you for a while, and is really good for sciaticaif you suffer from this during pregnancy!  Hope this helps!

  7. there are particularly exercises for pregnancy that you can do at your local gym or even with a fitness video, e.g pre-natal pilates or pre-natal yoga

  8. Probably not.


    That's all I got, hope it helps.

  9. walking is good. You want to stick with cardio exercises not lifting.

  10. yess it is..

    read about what Christina Aguilera did during her pregnancy..she worked out from day one all the way till about the last month of her pregancy...research it & how she got her hott body back

  11. Gentle exercises are good for you when you're pregnant.

    As well as avoiding lying on the sofa getting served on all day (lol) it is a good way of relaxation.

    Keep it short and simple though.

  12. you can do most of the things you did before you were pregnant, just don't overdo it. I know you have to be careful with lifting weights and contact sports. Ask your Dr. at your next appointment. I swam a lot, especially towards the end. Swimming is easy on your joints, etc..

  13. Yes exercise is actually good for you during pregnancy as it helps to keep your body in shape and keep your muscles toned for when its time to deliver the baby. Although exercise is good, it should only be light exercise. You should avoid lifting heavy objects and do not take part in sports where you are likely to get injured by being pushed and shoved around. Some good sports which will keep you in shape are things such as swimming, yoga and light jogging. You can also buy those big exercise balls which are designed for pregnant women along with lots of other useful equipment. If you are unsure about something then ask your midwife first because they will tell you what is safe/unsafe.

    Good luck

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