
Is it safe to feed my pug bread?

by Guest67047  |  earlier

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I've been feeding my dog bread and I was wondering if that's safe. It's those Chinese white bread that has the barbeque pork inside. Only there's no pork, only the bread. Is it safe?




  1. hmm,. chinese food is usually deep fried and saturated in grease, it may make ihm sick if its cooked or deep fried, but if its just bread its fine, mollie loves bread =]

    add:for a real treat dip the bread in som gravy or broth or soup. my dogs lovee soggy gravy bread!

  2. Sure.My dogs have always eaten bread and they are fine! It's perfectly OK as a treat.

  3. its pretty safe just dont feed it chocolate or eggs and chesses eggs and cheese wont kill it atleast i dont think so but it will give it diarrhea but chocolate will definitely kill it

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