
Is it safe to get strawberry jelly in my machoochie?

by  |  earlier

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you know what im talking about





  1. Sure.........

    Too bad there was no one there to help you out with that.........

  2. umm I'm pretty sure the manufacturers originally made strawberry jelly for bread....but if you get it in your "machoochie" then you might get a yeast infection lol

  3. Absolutely NOT safe! In fact VERY VERY dangerous! The combo of fruits and sugars in a fertile area like that will feed the natural bateria abnormally leading to giant mutated bugs inside of you. Douche like crazy, but if you have ANY evil smelling gas then get to the nearest emergency room right away. It may already be too late. Once in your blood stream, there is nothing that can be done.

    Goodbye, sorry you had to end like this.

  4. i wont recommend it, but try it.

  5. What is a machoochie? If it's your genitals then no, I don't think it's safe. You could get a nasty yeast infection.

  6. Good God, you won't get a yeast infection unless you make a habit of it.  Just make sure it is all removed in a timely enough manner.

  7. No,No use chocolate syrup (hershey's)

  8. sure, it is good for it..I guess

  9. Like down south or what are you talking about!!


  10. No it's not.  no food of any kind should be put down there.  it can throw off the ph balance and you will end up with a yeast infection.

  11. uh dont try it  

  12. probably i mean whats it gonna do to ya?

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