
Is it safe to give my 11 month old son cows milk

by  |  earlier

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He will be 11 months on the 16th. I am weaning him off breastfeeding right now and i dont want him to get used to formula then have to take that from him in a month BUT i have heard that you cannot give a baby milk until one year. Is it that serious?




  1. I actually gave my son raw goats milk.

  2. It is fine.  Just make sure he is eating well as his main nutrition is now coming from food.

  3. they recommend waiting till 1 but to be honest its only a guide I would put him on cows milk as long as its full fat and pasteurized should be fine but you might want to speak to your health visitor to double check . I weaned my lo of the breast at 10 months and put him on formula but now feel it was a waste of money and then put him on cows milk at one anyway  

  4. I have three kids and I put them on cow's milk between 10 months and 11 months and their fine.  

  5. It's better to wait until the baby turns at least 1 before giving cows milk.  Since your baby is 11 mos, it shouldn't be that big of a deal.  But sometimes their stomaches aren't ready for it.

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