
Is it safe to go on a road trip in Mexico for American Tourists, I would like to drive?

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Is it safe to go on a road trip in Mexico for American Tourists, I would like to drive?




  1. I've been to Mexico about 24 times and I've driven through 18 of the 31 states and never had a problem There are retirees from the US and canada who live in Mexico most of the year and travel back to the states and Canada to see grand children and you never hear of them having problems.

    The main rule is: NEVER DRIVE AT NIGHT. One reason is the animals that might wander onto the highway and another is that some Mexicans drive without lights at night.  You sure don't want to be surprised by a burro or a truck at 60 miles an hour.  Rule two is to always slow down for the speed bumps. they're called TOPES and there will be at least one entering and one leaving every small village. You won't find any TOPES on the toll roads, so they're pretty fast traveling, but the toll booths do not take dollars, so you must have pesos

    Go to the book store and look for a travel guide that shows traffic signs.  a one way stree sign may be on the side of a building and just say: DIRECCION with the arrow.  the letter E with a slash through it means NO PARKING. Driving is my favorite way to see the country and meet the people. I think if you try it, you'll like it.

  2. Rhino has it right. Travelling on the highways is easy, just be careful about running around at night. Once in the city, if you are visiting friends then let them drive! City driving is where the real differences between driving in the USA and Mexico really come to the forefront! I would even consider a Taxi once you get to the town you are going to if it is only you and your party. Taxi cabs are generally cheap and the are used to the traffic. Of course this really only references big cities, the rural areas are cool to drive by yourself, just be aware of your surroundings and be careful of your speed as they like to ticket out of towners.

  3. Please don't do it, there is so much violence going on right now through out Mexico, why else would Mexicans be running over the boarder to get into the U.S. you could be kidnapped rapped or murdered.

  4. I think with common sense and staying on the main roads that you're perfectly safe in Mexico.  Last year we rented a van in Puerto Vallarta and drove to Guadalajara and back down to the coast about 300 miles south of PV. Great trip and no problems.  This year we rented a van in Cancun and drove to Chetumal and then into the jungle to some ruins and across the Yucatan to Campeche and then back across to Cancun.  Good roads and no problems.  Our grandkids are 5 and 9.

    I think more of the danger that might befall you is closer to the border.

  5. if you'e not a veteran Mexico traveler, you're setting yourself up for disaster...

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