
Is it safe to go to Panama and how can I get my parents to let me go?

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I have a chance to go on a school trip to Panama but my parents won't allow me to. I don't see any harm in going. It is a totally supurvised trip. The princible, three teachers, and a few students are going. One of the teachers and one of the students are from Panama so we will have someone that knows directions and the best places to go. I know alot of spanish so I will be able to communicate with others there. But my parents seem to think that it is a bad idea. Is there any harm in going to Panama and do you know a good way to persuade my parents to let me go?




  1. I've taken vacations to Panama a few times and I have to say that it is a safe place to visit. People tend to help travelers and there are a lot of people who speak English and Spanish. It seems like a very stable country due to the highly organized US military bases that were established there from 1980 t0 2000.

    I do recommend to always be accompanied by someone because no matter what country you visit there will always be someone who can try to take advantage.

  2. I visited Panama three summers ago.  The people were very friendly and helpful.  I never felt in any danger.  The fact that you will be well-supervised and traveling with adults who know the county is a real plus.  Your own facility with the Spanish language is another asset.  You will see some poverty which can be an eye-opener, but once you leave Panama City, the country itself is beautiful and it should be a wonderful experience for a young person.  Perhaps your parents need to talk personally with the adults who are organizing the trip.  If they have confidence in the leaders, they will be more willing to allow you to go.

  3. Appearently your folks are closed minded because the people are very friendly and above all polite. There is no way that you will get lost because there are 4 major roads in Panama.

    They are as follows:

    Balboa Ave (where is the hotel Inter - Continental Miramar)

    Via España (where is the super market "El Rey")

    Calle 50 (or in english 50th Street)


  4. talk with your teachers and your classmates about your problem and then organize a meeting with your all the group have more opportunities to change the decision of your parents than you alone. I hope you can go to Panama, because it is a beautiful country.

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