
Is it safe to go to france?

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My best friend and I are 15 years old. We are going to go to Europe this summer. We will be going from spain to france to italy, and then back home. We will have an adult with us in spain and italy, but, in france we will not have an adult with us. Is this safe? We will only be there for a few days, and we will have our own little house to stay in, probably. If not, we will book a hostile... so ya is it safe?




  1. I have been there several times and it is very safe! you just need to be smart. Don't carry your valuables in plane sight, walking down a dark alley by yourself at night. Same common sense you use in your home country and you will be fine! It is SAFE and a wonderful place to visit.

  2. A lot safer than Italy!!!!!  Forgive me but the question is really amusing!!

  3. France is very safe, but you're not supposed to be without any adult with you....

  4. "Très" safe. Very much so indeed, as everywhere else...if you play safely.

  5. France is a very safe country with almost no violent crime.

    I would suggest however that even tho that is the case its not the best idea for a couple of 15 year olds to be hanging out alone in France.

    You will find that the police are a lot tougher there than in either the USA or the UK  and not inclined to give a break to some foreigners if they get into trouble.

    Do either of you speak French? And by that I don't mean just being able to say "la plume de ma tante est sur le bureau de mon oncle". If you don't know how to say "take me to the hospital I have a broken leg" in French without looking it up on Babblefish you might have  problem.

    Now maybe you're a very bright kid. When I was 15, I was a senior in High School. If you can say the same then maybe you'll be okay. Otherwise, it might be a good idea to rethink your plans and seek some adult supervision.

  6. France is a very safe country, but at night like everywhre in the world there is bad and good places to go.

    You must know that in some cities, people under 16yo are not allow to be in the streets after midnight without an adult, and the police can take you to your home.

    In Paris, there is no low like that, but just be carefull, compare to usa, France is a paradise!

    There 345% more agressions and murders in us than in France comparing to the population.

    Have a great trip, you'll love spain too, it's a great country, but italy sucks...enjoy.

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