
Is it safe to go to london?

by Guest33622  |  earlier

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i will be going to london in a group of at least 20 plus people. We are all students. There are a few teachers. it my first time traveling without my parents. I'm not sure if it safe for me to bring my DSLR as I'm afraid of pickpockets? What bag should i bring and where should i put it?




  1. Pickpocketing is really high in London

  2. it is safe if u go to the right places.

    just dont draw too much attention to yourself n try not to go out by urself at night.

    otherwise ur with 20 ppl u will b ok good luck

    plus i dnt no nothing about a DSLR lol ;)

  3. No matter how the media portray us and violence in London, yes!

    I feel safe walking the streets and don't feel at all for a second that some deranged loony might stab me multiple times to death with a machete or something less violent. I've lived in London for all my life but haven't really been to East London much, where it's supposedly more violent. I lived in North London and even West London for most of my life and in my borough, crime wasn't a problem. I live in Central London and crime isn't at all bad either.

    If you're going about the streets with 20 people — you WILL be safe, no doubt about it. There's safety in numbers. With a few teachers, whom are adults, you will be fine. Don't worry about it. Enjoy yourself while you're there!

    As for pickpockets: yes, there will always be a few but it isn't that bad. Just be streetwise and don't blatantly look as if you're showcasing your possessions to people in the streets. Don't make it obvious that you have a valuable item you don't care about as that makes your situation worse. You're much more likely to forget your mobile than someone is to steal it.

    Just do whatever you usually do which makes you feel safe. I have neighbours who are pure brums, scouses and mancunians and some of them say crime is much worse when they lived in their hometown than London.

  4. yes!

  5. Absolutely , people there is extremely nice and kind , very gentle

  6. This really does drive me barmy. Ok many people have been stabbed, but it isn't that much of a concern, knife crime has always been there, but now the newspapers have got it by the nuts and making trouble like always. Ok there is a problem but it all depends on where you are going. In the center of town there is a minute chance of getting stabbed or attacked as there are so many people about, making the only crime possible is Pick Pocketing which doesn't affect many of us.

    All deaths are bad and I don't want these stabbings to happen but I think that the only reason why this has gone out of control is because young people are involved, and now when ever there is a stabbing of an adult it is known, where as adults who got stabbed were very rarely mentioned.

    Now I am a 16 year old teenager living in Kensington, a very nice area just South West of Central London and I dont get any aggro at all and also have friends all around the city in some not so nice areas and have had no troubles. Ok there are people who you see that do worry you and you know you should avoid but they are everywhere. I used to live in Northamptonshire and I felt more unsafe in Northampton Town Center there than I do here. And all my friends from Northamptonshire say oh I'd never live in London, because I am scared of getting stabbed. Hello!!! you have more chance of getting stabbed in Northampton (which isn't even bad) and other towns than you do in northampton as you are more vulnerable.

    Please do not let these things stop you from doing what you want to do you just need to adapt to the situations that are brought apon us

    Hope this helps

    Sam (A Londoner)

  7. In my opinion yes.

    I live in Norwich (so about 2 hours from london)

    Me and my girlfriend went there last week to do touristy stuff, we went out late at night and used the underground at night also.

    I had no bad experiances nor did I see anything that caused concern.

    Of course there is bad area's of london tho, theres bad area's wherever you are, but these wont be any of the places your visiting im sure.

    as for your DSLR and Pickpockets, take the same precation's as you would anywhere, theres no more pickpockets in london then other places imo.

    Just keep a good hold of it.

  8. In any big city you have to be wary.  Put your money in a wallet around your neck.  Then you won't have to worry about that.  Put your valuables in the hotel room.  Remember there are millions of people living there that don't get robbed.  Have a great time!  

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