
Is it safe to go to the concert?

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Hi all, I've just found out I'm pregnant, which is great news!! Only thing is I have tickets to go see a concert at the end of the month. I will be 8 weeks then. This is a standing concert and I think I should be ok if I'm careful but would other people go to a concent like this if they were early pregnant? I'm thinking about people elbowing and pushing. Is it safe?




  1. your baby is well protected in your womb and at such an early stage it will be well behind your pubic bone so that is not a concern. Whether you will feel like standing up is another thing lol. you will most likely be very tired at that stage too.

  2. I do not think it is good for you. I heard that early preganent woman should have as much rest as possible...

  3. as ur only 1and1/2 months pregnant you should be ok if you sit down in the concert and just watch!

  4. I went to a concert at 8 weeks and I was fine, it was a standing one, we just got there slightly later and stood near the back.  You should be ok if you take it easy and dont get stuck in a big crowd

  5. At 8 weeks you could also have bad morning sickness which will probably stop you from wanting to go anyway

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