
Is it safe to have a "thread snake" as a pet?

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I found a thread snake in our house the other day and I'm kinda curious if I could have it as a pet. What can I feed it?




  1. now first i will give you some information to let you know about them and then i'll give you my recommendations.

    The thread snake, AKA. blind snake, can grow up to 41 cm (16in), but usually smaller. the vestigial eyes appear as dark spots under the scales of the blunt head. a shiny snake, the colour is purplish, brown or pink with a creamy underside.

    Feeds on small insects, these mainly feed on ants but they have also been known to eat spiders, millipedes and centipedes.

    and if you hope to breed some so you have more in the future they also lay a clutch of 2-6 tiny eggs.

    now my recommendation is that you must be careful when handling these as if you drop them and loose them then they are very hard to track and most times do escape, so get a cage which you think is a big enough size, about 10 cm bigger than the snake (keep in mind that they can escape so provide a very secure glass cage or any other container) and start finding a place which may sell  the insects/creatures that these feed on or try find some yourself and they are more difficult to feed than most other snakes. but if you do decide that they are a difficult kind of snake to care for then i'd recommend a rosy boa or corn snake as they are alot easier to feed and care for (but the tend to live and grow alot longer). but i hope it works out! good luck with your newly found pet! =)

  2. Try feeding it an antelope.

    sorry for the bad humor. Ummm... i wud prefer releasing it in open but if u r not too keen on doing that. try different things. U'll strike the right thing. start from humus and then insects and then go up to antelopes.

  3. in all my years in the hobby thats one species of snake I've never seen live  never known a  keeper either. its the smallest snake in the world and pretty rare there only from a few Caribbean islands. definitely something for a pro. in other word NO

    PS chances of it being a thread snake is nill unless you in the Caribbean and even then the chance is SMALL.

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