
Is it safe to have a shower when it is storming outside?

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Raining hard, thunder and lighting close to each other.




  1. im not really sure, but my parents always told me not to shower when it was lightning when i was a kid. if ur house got struck, i guess it could be dangerous

  2. No, because then you are taking a risk to get hit by lighting . You need to have a shirt on but never get in a shower or a tub  when it storming

  3. I have done a couple of times as I had appointments. It scares you to death when a bolt hits nearby. I would not recommend it in the least. Stay off plugged in phones  and computers too.

  4. It is fairly safe, but I wouldn't recommend it.

    When lightning strikes it seeks to ground itself out and it wants to take the shortest path to do, but that doesn't always mean it does.  Ball Lightning is unpredictable and the lightning could just as easily go up the pipes to hit you or come down the household circuitry and hit the pipes and travel through your body.

    There are cases of ball lightning coming from outside to inside the house and right down the drain while a woman was washing off some dishes, it could just have easily passed through her.  There is no way to predict what that amount of unstable energy is going to do.

    The problem with surviving a lightning strike is if the lightning doesn't have a quick way to exit the body.  If so then it can cause massive internal damage.  If the lightning finds a fast ground route then it is possible to survive the strike.  Of course normally the heart is knocked out of its normal sinus rhythm, which without immediate CPR would be fatal.

    As a general rule it is best to avoid being on any electrical appliance, or too near one or wet or outside unprotected during a lightning strike.  One time I was at home and our house got hit by lightning.  The house wasn’t protected with a lightning rod, but it did have a good ground system so that the lightning quickly traveled down and out of the house.  But NOT before shooting a little light 50’ down the hall, shooting all the plugs out of one side of the house and igniting the roof.  I was upstairs at the time on my bed, at the other end of the house and the thunder was so loud that I did a back flip off the bed.  I was at least 100’ from the lightning strike.  You don’t want to be anywhere near a lightning strike.

    Which leads to one of the most common questions that is asked about lightning; can it strike you if you are on the telephone; and the answer is yes, if it is a wired phone.  It won’t hit a wireless phone, but if there is a wire that leads outside then the lightning can travel through it into you.

  5. It is very rare for lightning to hit a house, but it is possible.

    If you want to be safe just don't take a shower while it is storming.

  6. Thats a good question. Follow your intution. You're on the right track.

  7. I have always heard you shouldn't be in water when it lightening that's why I don't swim in bad water

  8. Lightning will follow water pipes. People have been killed. Not a safe thing to do.

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