
Is it safe to have hair dyed while breastfeeding?

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I know that may be a silly question, but I know you're not supposedto while pregnant, and I thought better safe than sorry.




  1. You should consutl your heath care provider first you dont want the chemicals and the toxins transfering to your baby if it would be bad him.her. good luck

  2. they tell you not to do it when your pregnant  wouldn't do it when breastfeeding either. Maybe just make a nice call to your OBGYN and tell them you know you have kind of a dumb question but you would rather be safe than sorry. They'll laugh and tell you the correct answer.

  3. its perfectly safe. I wouldn't do it and breastfeed at the same time. but surely when the baby is napping....

    Personal grooming while breastfeeding: What are the effects of hair coloring and perms, tanning beds and nipple piercing?

    According to theBREASTFEEDING ANSWER BOOK, published by La Leche League International, no evidence exists that the nursing mother's use of hair-care products, such as hair dyes and permanents, has any effect on her breastfeeding baby. When a mother uses hair-care products, some of the chemicals will be absorbed through her skin. If her scalp is healthy and intact, less will be absorbed than if the skin on her scalp is scratched or abraded.

    The BREASTFEEDING ANSWER BOOK, 3rd revised edition, states on page 449, "No evidence exists that the nursing mother's use of tanning beds has any effect on her breastfed baby."

    It is important to limit exposure so that burning is avoided. Some mothers have reported getting burnt nipples and b*****s when using tanning beds. This is extremely painful so be sure to cover your nipples and b*****s and use caution. If any vitamins or medications are suggested to enhance the tanning, be sure to check with your health care provider before taking them

    There is no evidence that nipple piercing has any effect on breastfeeding

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