
Is it safe to have s*x while dilated?

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I'm 31 weeks pregnant and 2cm dilated.




  1. u can try it to start labor

  2. no, you risk getting infection

  3. The s***n will soften your cervix and increase the likelihood that you will go into active labor. Don't have s*x. You have 9 weeks to go. You can wait and he can too. Sorry, if that isn't the answer you wished for.

  4. as long as the s***n isnt inside u because its not the act of s*x that brings on labor its the sperm keep it safe like ur trying not to get pregnant  

  5. It's safe to have s*x up until your water breaks. Once the membranes have ruptured, that leaves you and your baby open to infection. However, a hormone in s***n can actually trigger uterine contractions, so if you are only 31 weeks and are already 2 cm dilated, I would HIGHLY recommend using a condom to avoid the possibility of preterm labor and infection. Congratulations and good luck =]

  6. I personally wouldn't because it could bring on preterm labour and trust me you really would be kicking yourself if you had a premmie baby for a little bit of gratification.

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