
Is it safe to hitchhike in mexico?

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Is it safe to hitchhike in mexico?




  1. sorry i have to steal this quote from Esquire magazine:

    "there are no dumb questions, just dumb people"

    Why in the world would you hitchhike in Mexico or any country in this world...? As far as I know there are rental cars, taxis, buses, trains, etc... even a bike

    I don't think is safe to do it in downtown Chicago, on the prairies of Idaho, in the suburbs of LA... so why would you want to risk yourself in a place where where you don't know nothing?

    It might be safe and nothing may happen, you might even have a great time... but what IF the opposite happens.

    Have a safe trip and keep yourself off the news

  2. DUH!!!!

    Ok, i do not have experience in this........... but, i would not

    It is scary to hitch hike anywhere.  But, Mexico is a tad (when I say tad I mean MASSIVELY) scarier, again I do not have experience in this.....

    I just watch the news,

    i am not implying that I have experience in that, so do not think that i am full of 'it', or maybe I am...

  3. Hitchhiking is unsafe anywhere in the world.

  4. reread ur question out loud to ur self and u tell me the answer to ur question

  5. The best way to get around in Mexico is by buses.  The buses are very nice, go everywhere,  and are safe..  The majority of taxis are also safe...especially if you take a prepaid taxi from an airprt, bus station or hotel..

  6. it isn't even safe to drink water in mexico ... what do you think?

  7. I think it is not safe.

    But, I think it is not safe to pick up those guys asking for auto-stop (we call it "raid" in México,  or "aventón"). They could be criminals, I won't stop; I gues almost nobody would.

  8. Absolutely not!! and don't trust taxis either.  Use buses to get around.

  9. Just stay away from the large cities (especially Mexico City..eww why would you want to go there anywyay) and the northern part of mexico.    The Yucatan peninsula is pretty safe.  The Mexican people are wonderful.

  10. I dont think people would help you in that way. It is just like in other countries, but you better get a taxi, i mean, it's not expensive. A normal taxi that would drive you from the holiday inn in merida, to the shopping mall would cost you around 4 dollars. In villahermosa it costs 2 dollars, it doesnt matter where you're going. You may wanna take the taxi from your hotel, they may charge you more than a normal taxi would, but again, IT'S NOT EXPENSIVE.

    Merida is one of the safest cities in Mexico.

  11. As with anywhere it is never safe to hitchhike.  I lived in Mexico and the people or more considerate and kind there than here in mexico, but a different country doesn't make insane decisions a good answer.  It really depends on the person you meet in the car, do you trust this person with YOUR life??? thats all it boils down to.  So the answer should be NO, not because it's Mexico but anywhere you should NOT hitchhike, your life is always more important than a spur of the moment idea.

  12. Never do that is real  dangerous

  13. It is not safe to hitch hike anywhere!

  14. No! if your in a city, take the bus. Taxi's are an absolute no no. well depends where your at, but unless your in a "rancho" then no! even if you are in a rancho if your not atleast 27 or more and a male, then dont hitch hike! But the last city in the planet Earth you should take a taxi or hitch hike, or even wak alone, is JUAREZ! never do any of those things ther! ( or anywhere for that matter!

  15. NO!!!  It's not safe to get a taxi either.  Get a  taxi through your hotel.

    I have a friend who got a taxi in mexico.  They drove him down a dark street.  Another car and the taxi driver beat him, took all his money, passport, and shoes.

  16. Depends on where you go. I am from Mexico City and I lived in the coast of Oaxaca for come time, I did some auto-stop to get to places there and I was very safe, those are very small towns used to have tourists and with a very low crime rate. I'm back in my home city and I would NEVER think on doing that here, Mexico is a very large country, I cannot tell you it's safe everywhere, but I cannot tell you it is not safe anywhere. My recommendation will be that if you don't know the town where you're at, use legal taxis or busses.

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