
Is it safe to inject into the muscle a water based and oil based steroid in same syringe?

by Guest33697  |  earlier

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Is it safe to inject into the muscle a water based and oil based steroid in same syringe?




  1. Don't inject anything into your body.  Are you insane?

    Only doctors should be prescribing substances to be injected into you.

    You're playing with fire.  Ever done any research on steroid use????

  2. not any safer than using steroids

  3. Don't do it simply cause oil and water cannot mix!!

  4. You should only ever inject water soluble substances. Ever wonder why heroin addicts have parts of their body literally rot away? Because heroin isn't water soluble and literally restricts blood flow.

    However, unless the steroid is prescribed by a doctor, you shouldn't inject it at all! Although I doubt it has been prescribed, as if it were you wouldn't need to ask these questions here would you?

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