
Is it safe to keep a dog in an outside dog house for a few hours? What kind of dog house is good?

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I will not leave my dog. I am asking because I am moving to a townhouse with a backyard (yay!) and it is the first time my dog will have a backyard. But it gets very very very hot hear in the summertime and I do want to sit on the patio set I plan to get for hours. Maybe 3 to 4 hours at a time. I like to keep an eye on my dog and always know he is safe so while I'm sitting in the heat I wonder if there is a good dog house I could get which will keep him cool so he can go in it. I can put water in for him too. I am afraid though that he shouldn't spend a long time outside in the heat. Is it safe if he is in a dog house? And what kind of dog house should I get?

Thanks so much if you can offer some advice. :)




  1. Hi

    I am not sure if a doghouse would protect him from heat although it would keep him out of sunlight. The temp in the dog house may get too high. Perhaps a big sun umbrella would be better with a hose to cool him down. He would probably be best in doors to be honest. Apart from the heat there are bugs that will just irritate him especially flies. Have him out a couple of times under the umbrella but I really think for his sake he should be indoors. Dogs can get heat stroke that comes on really quickly and can blind, paralyse or even kill

  2. My neighbors dogs are outside 24/7 and they have those igloo dog houses for them.  During the day the dogs are usuallly out in the heat anyway, so I am not sure if you got a dog house, that your dog would use it, you could try.  Sometimes I hose my dogs down if it is really hot here.  You could also put some water in a two liter soda bottle, don't fill it too full the water will expand, and freeze that.  I would wrap a towel around the bottle, and let the dog snuggle to that.  Farmers let their dogs dig one hole, and they fill that with water in the morning so the dog has a cool place to sleep durnig the day.

  3. Hi...Do you have any shade at all in your yard where your dog could go to lie in, or put the house in?  I ask this because even with a dog house, they too will get overly hot in the sun, and that is not good.  Is there some reason your dog can't just be loose in the yard to choose a shady spot to lie in.  Most likely your dog will suffer anxieties if tied to a dog house when he/she is used to being with you constantly in your home.  My dog used to like to lie under my chaise lounge when I was in the yard, and that provided enough shade for her when we were out.

    Best wishes with your new house and finally having a yard!

  4. Your dog will find a spot that he likes. I have the igloo type doghouse that mine will go in sometimes, and also have a childs plastic pool that i fill with water when its hot, I have found him laying in that, but mostly he lays in a spot where he dug himself by the woodpile, its a shady spot, and i honesly thik he likes just laying inthe dirt. Its messy but he likes so we dont complain. When I'm outside, he will just some lay by me or under my chair. Just make sure he always has water.

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