
Is it safe to keep the back ramp of a trailer up when unloading a horse?

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My horse had an accident a few months back, as we opened the back ramp to unload him, he panicked for an unknown reason and backed up and got his withers stuck under the bar, i'm afraid of him panicking again so i'm wondering if i should leave the back ramp up this time and just open the front ramp when i unload him as im going to a show. All advice would be greatly appreciated, ta.




  1. Only if you wish the horse to climb out of the roof.

  2. I would definately leave the back ramp up when you're unloading!

  3. Try it at home first.

  4. I always leave my ramp up when i take one or both of mine and i have never had any problems, if you have a front ramp then of course it is fine! my instructor told me to keep it up so i think it's correct

  5. I know it's late, but I'll add my 2 cents.

    If you always unload the horse through the front, then he gets another owner who only has a trailer with a back door, he may be in jeopardy of not being confident enough to back out the trailer.  

    Although it's nice to have a front way out and a back way out, it's best to have a well trained horse who will confidently go out either way.  You really need to understand why the horse did what it did and fix the problem, not put a band aid on it.

    In terms of ramps on a trailer, they may be nice, but I'd never have one if I can help it.  Not many trailers in our area have ramps - and horses should be able to go into trailers with or without ramps.  I have seen horses that went off the side of a ramp and hurt themselves and I've seen a person trip over the ramp when it's down too.  Additionally, I know of a horse that simply would not load without a ramp.  He'd flip over and had hurt his face pretty bad.  His owner had to build a portable ramp to just his side of the trailer and put it down for him because the previous owner had never taught him to step up into a trailer.  I think they should be taught to load into a step up trailer first.

  6. Yes most definitely. It is by far the best option. You are lucky to have a front ramp. (most convenient.)

  7. i dont get how you ould get the horse off otherwise..wish i could help but to confusing.

  8. You should undo the bar before you  un do him or take down the ramp.

  9. i allways leave the back ramp up when unloading my horse, i find it easier and it doesnt confuse my horse.

  10. If you wern't planning on using the front ramp in the first place why buy a trailer with one. Its so much easier and safer than going out the back.

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