
Is it safe to keep your mobile phone in your pocket all day?

by  |  earlier

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I know that there's loads of talk about how the microwaves can affect your brain when you're on your mobile but is there any danger in keeping it in your pocket (near your crotch) and switched on all day?




  1. No, that's just a load of bo!!ocks.

  2. i have heard that its not. some poeple say that it causes cancer.

  3. I have been keeping my phone in my pocket for years when i am out and about. Just make sure you lock the keypad.

  4. no problems, mobile phones emit small amounts of mcrowave radiation like 1/4 of 1watt. so they are low. but nothing can happen.

  5. they haven't found any reason not to as of yet as far as i know

  6. maybe it could have long term damage but the modern mobiles go through tests to make sure they are not really harmful to people before they are allowed out of the factory. one thing for sure, i wouldn't keep it next to my head, you never know mate.

  7. I dont think so.....

  8. I think it is safe and as stated above only time will tell. Nowadays it seems that everything is linked to cancer.

    On the other hand for your phones safety I would say get a phone case if you dont already have one. It seems that everytime i go into the phone store someone has some form of damage to their phone and it is usually caused by the humid conditions in your pants pockets.

    Hope that helps

  9. Mine's on my waistband all day - while it's on. Keeping it in your trouser pocket might be better than in your shirt pocket if you're worried about it being near "vital organs".

  10. When your making a call the phone is transmitting all the time so there is a small amount of radio waves, but when its in your pocket it is not transmitiing ( apart from a small bit of data sent once in a while or when you recieve a text )  so there is no risk

  11. stop being a nancy, of coarse its alright !

  12. I guess.  Maybe it will help down there. LOL

  13. i hope not , i put mine in my bra

  14. Apparently not.  New research claims that there are links to keeping a mobile in a pocket with males contracting testicular cancer.

  15. I guess only time can really tell. if phones were developed in such a way that it was unsafe to carry them around then it defeats the purpose of own a cellphone at all

  16. None I've ever heard of - unless you sit on it!

    There was a study done showing that men who spent hours on the phone had lower fertility, but this was linked to holding the phone in their laps while texting, generating heat near the relevant area. There are suggestions that men shouldn't hold laptops on their laps for the same reason.

    However, this hasn't stopped Levi introducing a range of jeans with shielded pockets, just in case.  

  17. i have. and nothing bad ever happened, so yeah.

  18. NO ITS NOT!

    Today i have been on the internet all day in my pocket! Now that sucks!

  19. I don't think having your cell in your pocket would harm u in any way!! It would totally shock me if someone was to say that it would harm u!! lol

  20. I dont think so. No problems here. its THE SAFEST WAY IF YOU DON'T WANT IT TO GET STOLEN.

  21. keep in in case anyway and don't put it to the back pocket to avoid

    the breaking while sitting on it

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