
Is it safe to lock two or three bikes together instead of using a bike rack?

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Is it safe to lock two or three bikes together instead of using a bike rack?




  1. It depends where..... if you would do it in a neighboorhood where bikes are wanted.

    Than NO, cause it will take them 2 min. longer to take all the bikes instead of one.

  2. Why not just put up a sign for thieves that says:

    Bonus! 3 for 1!

  3. Um, I wouldn't do it. Unless you're planning to lock all the bikes to a fixed object. If you lock two or three together, and don't attach them to something, a thief would just pick up all three bikes locked together.

  4. Of course not!  A bike thief could just pick up both (or all 3) and stick them in the back of a pickup truck and drive away!

    I know one guy who locked his bike to a fairly large garbage can outside the drugstore, and the bike thief just took can along with his bike!  No need for the thief to tackle the lock until later, when he's safely home in the privacy of his garage.  

    When there's no bike rack, it's essential that you make sure whatever you lock your bike to is immovable, and also that it's something that a thief couldn't simply slide the lock over by simply lifting the bike in the air either.  

    Other solution is to ride a c**p bike.  I never have to lock my ancient old Schwinn 10 speed--it rides great, but is well rusted so bike theives have no interest in stealing it.  I never lock my road bike either but that's because I never let it out of my sight--and keep my hands on it at all times.

  5. As a quick fix solution, that's probably ok, though it would take two guys with a pickup truck about 60 seconds to throw all three bikes into the back and drive off. I wouldn't do it if I were not going to have a visual on the bikes--just for a coffee shop or diner stop, stuff like that.

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