
Is it safe to mix baby oil with tea tree oil?and does tea tree oil work for scabies?

by Guest57323  |  earlier

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Is it safe to mix baby oil with tea tree oil?and does tea tree oil work for scabies?




  1. tea tree oil is one of the safest essential oils, which is strange considering how strong it is. it is smart to dilute it, you could use baby oil, its not dangerous but try something more natural like olive oil. it will feel much more soothing and effective. make sure you test a small amount on a part of your body that isn't like, your face, or something lol  to make sure you don't react to it.

    tea tree oil has SO many uses medicinally, and some people have used it for scabies effectively. for scabies it may be best NOT to dilute it first and just apply modestly to the affected area.

  2. Lainey,

    You have a couple of good answers so I just want to add to them.

    From conversation I have had with a few scabies sufferers, some have found some help with a product called Kleen-Free.

    According to the website, this is an enzyme based product that works to eat away at the protein that is found in the skin/shell of the scabies mite.  It essentially is said to cause the mite to molt earlier than it should which causes it to die.

    You may want to contact them for more information on their product.

  3. Personally I would jump off the nature cure bandwagon for scabies and ask my doctor for some permethrin.

    Natural remedies do work, but scabies is tough to eradicate in the home and the quicker you can do it, wash all your bedding and what not, the less likely it is to return repeatedly.  

    Always dilute all essential oils (except lavender) in a carrier oil.  As stated above, I would opt for olive oil, canola oil rather than baby oil.  Oil does smother scabies though.  You won't know for sure until you return to the doctor's office for a repeat skin scraping.  

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