
Is it safe to mix rodents in the same cage?

by  |  earlier

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like hamsters with gerbils and rats an a mouse?




  1. no its not because they all have different needs and you need to care for those, each require a special type of cageee. and they'll fight for showing they own the cage.

  2. I don't think you are supposed to do that, especially wiht any kind of male rodent becasue they will fight

  3. It is NOT a good idea to mix rodents. For example, Hamsters are solitary, and are known to attack other small animals. If you put Gerbils & a hamster together, you'll wind up with dead gerbils. As for Rats & Mice, the rat will KILL the mice outright. I had that happen, once. One of my rats got out of his cage & was sniffing around the mices' cage. Before I could stop it, one of the mice stuck his nose through the bars of the cage, curious about the rat; the rat bit the mouse through the bars of the cage & killed it. Word of warning; DON'T MIX RODENTS!!!

  4. That would be the stupidest thing you could do! They are not kept together in pet shops for a reason! Even pets stores aren't as cruel and stupid to put them together! What a silly question, you shouldn't be considering buying an animal if you don't even know the basics! How dumb can you get? Whoa

  5. Hello. Have you ever been to a pet store and noticed that rodents are not mixed together? I do not know why, but i think that it may not be safe to mix them in the same cage.

    If you are worried about the amount a cage will cost, i suggest looking around garage sales for some cheep ones.  

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