
Is it safe to modify a Stearman PT-17 to accomodate 2 passengers in the front cockpit?

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Is it safe to modify a Stearman PT-17 to accomodate 2 passengers in the front cockpit?




  1. All of the ones that I have seen will accommodate two people and I would think that there would not be enough room to make for (two) in the first seat..........

  2. Maybe maybe not. There are weight and balance issues here. But it is a common conversion so I think it is safe. The conversion has to pass FAA guidelines.

  3. Olá Leornardo,

    Tenho como lhe ajudar na outra pergunta, sobre abrir empresas no Brasil. Percebo que és português certo?

    Não posso responder na própria pergunta, pois o prazo para isso está esgotado, mas podes escrever p meu e-mail e o ajudarei, pois tem alguns detalhes que precisas saber, ou terás problemas de bi-tributação para além de outros incômodos se não seguires os acordos estabelecidos entre os países.

  4.  In this page they have stearman rides where modified the front cockpit to accomodate 2 passengers, so I guess they have the FAA permission to do that, right?

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