
Is it safe to move to las vegas !! what kinda job can i do with an associates degree?

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Is it safe to move to las vegas !! what kinda job can i do with an associates degree?




  1. Right now in vegas, if you look good put the degree in the waste basket, put on a short skirt and find a club or casino to work as a waitress.  Best of luck.

  2. Vegas is as safe any anywhere else.  But with the foreclosesure economy, the issues with gaming revenues, State & county hiring freezes, etc. this is not a good time to move regardless of one's experience or education.

    An associates degree is not a door opener in Nevada; even a bachelor's degree has minimal impact.  Jobs would be housekeeping, technicians at care centers or homes, front office at hotels, cocktails in a casino, servers at restaurants, etc.  Vegas has all the same entry jobs as other cities as well as the hotel and gaming industry.

  3. I have no degree and I own my own auto parts and repair shop for 15 years. Vegas is a great place for broken cars. The heat is brutal.

    A degree is only part of it. How well can you sell yourself?

  4. Like any place it depends WHERE you move.  I have a few friends that worked up north in OH/PA they relocated to Las Vegas and simply LOVE it.. They both work for a gaming company that sells table games to various casino's not only in Las Vegas but, other places that have gambling.  Henderson is very nice and not far from the strip.  You just have to research where you want to go....

    Good luck

  5. Degrees do not mean much here in Vegas. Experience is the thing that gets jobs. It is not a good time here for job hunting .. things are real slow and for every job opening there are 100 applicants. Experience rules here. Sorry.

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