
Is it safe to park overnight at Darlington railway station?

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Is it safe to park overnight at Darlington railway station?




  1. It's not safe to walk, run or park anywhere these days.....sad sign of the times.!

  2. Define safe! Is anything safe anywhere? Its all a matter of degree of safety. There is a local police station but are there any police working? Its by the station but there will be no workers. There is CCTV but is anyone watching?  If the car is valuable then a hoodie wearing thief wouldn't really bother with the above as they would be in and out quickly.

    Sorry about that but, until we do something about it, we will be plagued by these criminals.

  3. i dont know where that is.. but i leave my car at a park and ride and have a steering wheel lock on. it also the car has a anti theft system ok.

  4. it should be yes, but like every where else there is a risk,the police station is only about 2 mins away

  5. I would say very safe  trains pass through about every half hour  Streets very quiet  and I dont know most likely Taxi  men around as loads during the day

  6. well it would be just the same as anywhere else,they have cameras,and the police station is right beside it.

  7. There are two large car parks serving Darlington Bank Top (which is, I assume, the station you refer to, not Darlington, North Road). One is at the rear of the station, off Neasham Road with a direct link, via footbridge, to the station. The other is adjacent to the mart site. off Park Lane. There are also the cark parks of Parkgate and off Park Lane on the actually station site. Personally, if I were leaving a car overnight, I would use the Council one off Park Lane as it is much cheaper - the station ones, including Neasham Road, are £5.50 a day. All are covered by the extensive Darlington CCTV system (? this re those on the station itself) and are floodlit. I would have no hesitation in leaving a car overnight. I was a solicitor practising in Darlington Magistrates' Court for many years and cannot recollect anyone ever being charged with theft from motor vehicles in the station car parks. BUT - and this is the big but - they are so expensive that if you live within a reasonable distance it is far cheaper to take a taxi which will drop you right by the platforms.

  8. I did a couple of years ago on 2 occasions without any problems.

    That was in a Toyota Celica that would have been 2 years old at the time, so quite a high risk car.

    I think quite a few people park there overnight and it is covered by CCTV as well.

  9. i did, they have a security there

  10. If it is a proper car park with security so its OK.

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