
Is it safe to?

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park a bike at a highschool? during the day will someone mess with it?




  1. Lock it to a bike rack w/the other bikes and you should be fine........make sure to lock the front wheel if you have Q/R skewers to dissuade the vandals........

  2. You will want to get something to lock it to a bike rack, but other than that, you should be A-OK!

  3. Make sure you lock it properly

  4. Depends where it is.  Is the bike rack accessible and in plain view?  That's ideal.

    Also the way you lock it up is important.  If you are just riding from home to school and back I recommend buying a U-Lock.  Leave the U-Lock on the bike rack each night when you leave (if that is allowed - better check so the janitor doesn't cut it off!).

    The most valuable parts of your bike are the frame followed by the REAR tire.  Too often I see sweet bikes improperly locked.  Frame only, or frame and front tire.

    Check out this site for awesome information on locking techniques.  The late, great Sheldon Brown:

    Don't let silly pranks and mean kids stop you from starting your journey to a better, more independent life!  You are gonna save a ton of money not needing to support a car habit if this bike thing works out!
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