
Is it safe to rent a car in the Mayan Riviera?

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We are two 25 year olds headed to the Mayan Riviera for a week in September. Our spanish is ok. But is it safe to rent a car for two Americans?




  1. I have done it twice,albeit a little while ago. The road down the Riviera (from Cancun to Tulum) is in great shape, multi-lane highway.  The toll road to Merida, via Valladolid, and, most importantly Chichen Itza, is also a good solid road - multilane highway.

    So I'd say yes, it is safe - if you are careful.  I do have some caveats to add to that, though.

    The other roads are heavily potholed country roads. The one that goes past Coba is terribly potholed.  And you need to watch out for the topes, which are big speed-bumps whenever you get to a village.

    There is no place to turn off these roads, so if someone has a problem they just stay in the road - look for rocks or branch that were place in the road - that means someone is broken down ahead, or they were, and they never removed the stone or branch.

    It's generally recommended that you not drive at night.  I did, but the recommendation is a good one.  Also make sure that you get insurance - if there is an accident Mexican police tend to throw you in jail.

  2. Yes - it's safe.

    There are a couple of things to watch out for. Topes (speed bumps) as already mentioned can be very big and not always marked by a sign. There placement doesn't always make sense either but you can count on them pretty much entering and exiting any small town as well as around schools and such. The second thing watch for the way some Mexicans use the left turn signal. If you are behind someone and they indicate left sometimes they are indicating that the way ahead is clear and it's OK to pass.

    Also, with left turns, if there is no left turn lane sometimes people will pull off the road to the right and wait for a break in traffic and then turn left from the right shoulder. The drivers are generally very courteous.

    This site has road signs: Highway Road Signs.htm

    This one has translations of common road signs:

    There's a lot of fear mongers out there. If you can drive in a big city in the US, Mexico will be a breeze, don't listen to them. Do get the insurance just to be safe.

  3. Take the insurance just to be on the safe side.  No problem if you are staying in the Mayan Riviera area.  Most of the places you would go to are just off the main road, which is good.  There isn't a lot of traffic and they don't drive crazily like they do in our U.S./Mexico border towns.  I drove last year and had no problems with traffic.  In Cozumel, with all the taxis and their bad road s in town, I don't think I would want to drive there, but Mayan Riviera is much better, safer & ok.  At night its not too good as the main highway down the corridor is not well lit like our freeways and streets are, so you got to be a little more careful.

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