
Is it safe to run/train with bronchitis?

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I had a cold last week that has developed into bronchitis which gives me slight fatigue, a smokers-like cough and a deep cold voice. Otherwise, I feel fine. No aches, no pains. I want to keep training because I fear losing fitness. I've already lost a week of running. I've heard it's unsafe to run when a cold is in the chest. Is this true? If it is, do I wait until this viris is gone even if it costs me 3 to 6 months of catching up to my prior level of fitness?




  1. No it is not safe, bronchitis restricts your bodies ability to properly take in oxygen and that puts your muscle strength and  stamina  at a weak state. You are best to train lightly until the bronchitis is cleared up and has been confirmed gone by your doctor. Do small work outs in spurts to stay fit but don't push your body, you could make it worse without meaning to.

    -My grandfather suffered long bouts of bronchitis in his life so we went through this a lot with limiting his activies and one of my best friends is going through it right now. She was told the same thing about working out so ask your doctor and do what they say.

  2. i would sayy no bc it can hold back breathing and make it hard.

  3. Maybe if you do it with moderation.

    You should probably get two or three opinions from pros first.

    Have you been overdoing it? That may be why you got sick in the first place.

    With running you reach a point of diminishing returns pretty quickly is my guess.

    Good luck.

  4. Youre gonna pass out or something. Just walk for a while daily.

  5. As usual, no one here is a professional or licensed physician. Any questions with such concerns should seek medical help immediately.

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