
Is it safe to say i do not have diabetes?

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I know its not healthy but Sometimes I eat like 2 bagels and 3 eggs for dinner. Then eat alot of candy and drink sugary juice.

I feel fine nothing ever happens.

I also urinate with yellow color in my urine.

(my feet are cold sometimes but my sister says hers are like that to so it runs in the family)




  1. Get a diagnosis. As I just wrote in another post, the earlier diabetes is diagnosed, the more successful the treatment.

    I'm not diabetic, and my feet are not really cold, but I wear snuggly slippers most of the year. I figure if my heart doesn't have to spend a lot of energy pumping blood to my cold feet, it will serve me for a many more years.

  2. The only way to know for sure is get tested at the doctor.  If you have never been tested for diabetes and you fear you may have it, you should be tested.  Just because you ate these things and felt nothing, does not mean anything.  Many diabetics never have symptoms of the disease.  But eating things like you have mentioned, will not give you diabetes.  Food does not cause the disease, it is a  malfunction of the pancreas, in both types.  It caused by genetics many times.

  3. If your feet are cold,it does not mean you have diabetes.Some people are like that genetically.If you eat a lot,again it does not mean you are diabetic.Appetite is directly proportionate to your physical activity and age.The more you exercise,more glucose is burnt and your appetite center is stimulated.When you have eaten sufficient,your satiety center sends a signal to your brain and you stop eating any further.So it is safe to say that you do not have diabetes.In pre- diabetics,suddenly there is a big urge to take sugars,e.g.if all along you have been taking one spoon of sugar in your cup of tea or milk,now even 3 spoons feel deficient.Is that the case with you?Have you lost weight drastically during the last 1 month?Do you feel the urge to urinate too frequently and always feel thirsty?If not then forget it.A world of caution here:cut down on your sugar intake even if you don't have a diabetic family history.As of dark yellow urin,you may be dehydrated.Increase your water intake.

  4. only a doc can answer that.

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