
Is it safe to shower or go swimming with contact lenses?

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Is it safe to shower or go swimming with contact lenses?




  1. You'll lose them.

  2. It is safe. I wear contacts and swim and shower with them all the time. You need to be much more cautious of getting water in your eyes because they can get washed out. I have opened my eyes underwater with them, but I don't recommend it. They have a high likely hood of washing away. I have not lost any yet :) but I have heard about  people who have.

  3. yeah its perfectly fine to take a shower with them on, i do it all the time. but if you rub your eyes alot they might get out of place but just blink and they will probably go back to the center of your eyes. as for swimming, i wear them too but i wouldn't recommed  opening your eyes under water.


  4. showering for sure, i don't know anyone who would open their eyes under the running water....

    swimming on the other hand...just be careful. it is perfectly safe to wear them in the pool, but the main concern is if you open your eyes under the water. your contacts could fall out, or get pushed behind your eyes.

    if you wear goggles, this can eliminate the problem, as you should even underwater WITHOUT contacts. chlorine and other chemicals in the pool should never come in contact with your eyes.

  5. it depends what kind of contacts you have but i have mounthlies and they work great underwater. when you go under it takes about 5 seconds for them to clear but after that they suck to your eye and dont move. the only thing is,you have to put them in solution after you are done because the pool is dirty

  6. showering is definately ok. because you don't open your eyes anyways, just be careful. swimming is ok if you don't open your eyes under the water. if they fall out in water there is NO chance that you will find them. and make sure they don't go behind your eyes. like one person said, googles would help when in a pool and/or at a beach

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