
Is it safe to start breastfeeding now after not doing it for 5 months?

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I stopped breastfeeding when my daughter was 1 and a 1/2 months because she tore my nipples twice and it was to painful. All of a sudden I have a lot of milk coming back and wanted to know if I could start breastfeeding her again. Shes almost 7 months now.




  1. there's really nothing unsafe about breastfeeding unless you are taking any medications that could pass on to your baby.  if you continue to have problems with the nipple area there are over the counter creams that you can apply to the breast area to keep them comfortable.  keep in mind that just because you think there's milk coming in does not guarantee that it will sustain your baby without supplements.

  2. You could, just be prepared for her to not want to or for it to be difficult. Mainly becuase she's used to something else and well babies dont like change to much.

  3. When in doubt Id ask the Dr. make sure your breast milk is really breast milk you know.

    but yeah, breast milk is the best for your baby. As long as you havent been drinking alcohol, smoking , or using any drugs/meds it should be safe. but to avoid the bitting, sore nipples, or chapping I would pump, then you could give it to her in a bottle, sippy cup or whatever. unless its the bonding and the closeness that you miss and want.  I dont see why not =)

  4. Absolutely, and good for you for considering it!  

    Breastmilk is never really "unsafe", and some is always better than none!  While you may find it difficult to bring back a full milk supply, you can certainly offer your daughter the breast as much as possible/desired.  

    At this point she may not know what to do with your breast - the mechanics of breastfeeding are very different from bottle-feeding - and thus she may have forgotten how to latch.  You can try to "re-teach" her, or you can pump your milk and offer it to her in a sippy cup or bottle.  Again, any breastmilk would be great for her immune system and health!  

    For more information on latching, check out the resources available at  You will find great information there, including guides on relactation.  

    Good luck to you, mama!

    **Edited to Add**

    I did want to note that the previous comment regarding the safety of breastfeeding while smoking/drinking is incorrect.  A baby who is breastfed is better protected against second-hand smoke; and a mother who is "ok to drive" is "ok to nurse".  These breastfeeding myths and many others are addressed here:

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