
Is it safe to stop taking High blood pressure drugs?

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Is it safe to stop taking High blood pressure drugs?




  1. not without talking to your doctor

  2. you shouldnt ask this question online  some little kid could be messing around say something wrong  that could land you in the hospital

  3. You need to ask your Dr. this.  Usually its not wise to stop any perscription drug cold turkey.

  4. u should talk to whatever doctor perscribed u those drugs

  5. that is based on alot of stuff, first you need to get your doctor's advise stopping your meds can be very dangerous. if you have natural ways to lower your blood pressure and no longer need to take drugs, make sure these treatments are effective.  try this link

  6. Some, like catapress,  can cause extremely high blood pressure if you quit taking them - even if you weren't taking them for high blood pressure and have never had problems with it before.  These should be gradually decreased to prevent the rebound hypertension.  You should always consult your doctor when stopping these meds.

  7. If prescribed by your doctor and monitored thereafter.

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