
Is it safe to store my cellphone in the fridge?

by  |  earlier

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At work, I haven't bought a locker yet, it's another week until I get my first paycheck, and my car gets super hot during the day.

So, should I put it in the fridge, or should I just let it roast in the car? Which 'extreme' temperature causes less damage?




  1. Mobile phone electronics will be rated 'Commercial Grade' which means the various components should work between 0 Degrees and 70 Degrees C. So putting it in a fridge at 5 - 7 Degrees C (If the fridge is working OK) shouldn't be a problem. But you wouldn't pick up any phone signal as the metal casing will stop any signals. If you are happy to be unreachable by phone then that's not a problem in itself, but why would you want the phone in that case?

    There would be a problem if you took the phone out of the fridge into a humid atmosphere, as condensation would form and that could damage the internal phone electronics when you switch the phone on.  I wouldn't chance that.

    In the car, you probably wouldn't reach 70 degrees anyway so that wouldn't be a problem generally. But if you leave the phone in a car it could get stolen!.

  2. What about a pocket or a backback you can keep with you??

    They have to let you have SOMETHING....

    The problem with cold air, is, it causes condensation. Which is WATER.  We allllll know that water and electronics do not mix, so skip the fridge option for sure, unless you want a ruined phone.

    As for the heat? It's not great for you phone either, but at least you phone won't have water droplets in it.

  3. i wouldn't put it in the fridge because it would freeze and stop working

  4. try the cars trunk.

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