
Is it safe to study in USA?

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I was planning to enroll with one of the U.S. programs for international inters, but from what I see it's not safe anymore!

5 to 6 universities and institutions in the past two years were under attack of individuals were suffering a mental disease or something I'm not sure of.

- does anybody know what the heck is going there, and is it safe anymore to keep my summer plan on the calendar?




  1. Yes it is ., God bless.

  2. It's really getting tough when you hear all these school shootings by individuals who'd rather kill fellow students in efforts to end their "pain". You just wonder why don't they just end their pain, or move far away for that matter and leave innocent bystanders out of the equation.

    Last April I had co-workers/friends who were directly affected by the VA-Tech incident and in our talks, I just told them that you can only do but so much to protect yourself and your kids from things like these happening, because, you can teach and bring up your kids to be the best and abiding citizens, but the kid sitting next to yours in class, has not been brought up with the same values.

    My parents disciplined us (harshly) growing up so that they do not have to answer to a judge or someone else about our behaviour down the road.

    Unfortunately, I haven't heard of a successful way to prevent death, so we just have to live our lives to the fullest and just know that when your time is up......well, it's just up!

    We just have to keep praying.

    Good luck with your enrollment decision!!

  3. Of course it's safe. Yes probably 5-6 in the last 2 years have, I haven't heard of those but sure, I've only heard of 2, have had shootings, but there are over 200 colleges in America. Way over, I'm not sure how many but each state has at least 3. I think the other answers you got were from people who don't live in the United States. Well I do and I have never in my life been faced with a dangerous situation while learning. Nor have my brothers and sisters or my parents or ANYONE in my family. It's completely safe. I'm sure there are some that aren't but you don't have to go to those ones. Tips: Just stay out of the ghetto, I'm not saying it's not safe in the ghetto, but if your so worried about safty, you don't want to go there because it's more at risk than normal places. I'm sure that there has been at least one shooting in the country you live in over the past year or two. It sounds to me like you are afraid of change.

    I hope that helped and I do hope you come to America. It's a wonderful nation.

    Good luck with your decision

  4. studying is never safe.  it leads to learning, and learning leads to thinking, and thinking leads to trouble.  

    still, it's difficult to do, and if you don't get spun around by words and ideas then you might get shot by some up and coming career criminal, because the fact is, in the USA, shooting innocent people is the only way to get any respect unless you have lots and lots of money.


    its not

    too many retarded ppl guns , drugs , s*x , assualt , aids , stds

  6. It really depends what university you're planning on going to. Some are safer than others, though none are completely, 100% safe.

    On average, I'd guess that US schools aren't quite as safe as those in other countries, but don't worry too much about it. A few cases of such things doesn't mean it always happens, or will happen to you.

    Research the school's safety beforehand if you're worried. Reader's Digest (US edition, I guess) just did an article about school safety, so might be a good place to look.

  7. I would have to echo what others have stated in regards to not letting isolated incidents of violence dissuade you from coming to the United States. I currently attend a university in the United States and I honestly do not fear campus violence. Realize that what makes the news are the once-in-a-great-while school shootings PRECISELY because they are the exception and not the rule--no news network would make a "big story" about  the normal experience of university students simply going about their normal peaceful lives. Asking if you should be afraid to come to the United States because of these isolated incidents is like asking if you should be afraid to take an airplane because it might crash.

    Let's turn the tables for a moment. Do you have any idea how many tales of violence and crime WE as Americans hear about how dangerous it is to travel in OTHER countries? There are many Americans who are just as afraid to travel to a foreign country as YOU are to come here to the United States! It's kind of a two way street really, now isn't it?

    For example, I have studied and traveled abroad in Mexico and never been victimized by any sort of criminal act, despite the fact that to hear the stories some Americans tell I should probably be traveling in Mexico with guns and body armor!

    Keep your plans to study in the United States. It seems to me that you--like many people around the world--would benefit greatly from seeing what our country is really like and not having  to rely on the images presented by mass media.

  8. You can get killed by just crossing the street.

    If you're worried about getting shot here, then don't come.

  9. Nothing is ever 100% safe, but if you let that take over your life then you'll never get too far.

    I live by where it happened (NIU), but he is not going to succeed in his mission. If you let these types of people take control, then they have won.

  10. Dude, people forget how big the U.S. is all the Fing time... we have 300 million people. Stuff is bound to happen... The chances are so low.  You really shouldn't worry about it.  I'd me more conserned about getting STDs if I were you... American women rock, but watch out.

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