
Is it safe to take St. John's Wort and DHEA concurrently?

by Guest56966  |  earlier

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Both are useful as antidepressants




  1. Yes, it is safe to take them together... but where did you hear that DHEA was an antidepressant?

    DHEA is a precursor to both Estrogen and Testosterone, which means that your body will convert it into whichever of those it needs. You can get energy (mostly sexual energy) from it if it's converted into Testosterone. However, neither Estrogen or Testosterone would impact your mood enough to be considered an antidepressant, and DHEA wouldn't produce enough of either on a regular basis to be used as such.

    I hope I helped.

  2. I see both good and bad answers in here.  DHEA is your pre hormone or youth hormone.  You have two metabolic pathways for all 87 hormones of your body and out of those 87 hormones, it has everything to do with depression.

    Moods, sleeping patterns, anti inflammatory, skin, hair, nails, bones, etc.. All include hormonal signals and yes... Hormones have everything to do with depression.

    Phytosterols (it must be a highly purified and stabilized product) along with Omega 3 fatty acids and specific enzymes helps your body create its own DHEA naturally.

    You have 5 transferees enzymes in your upper digestion that converts phytosterols into DHEA and then both metabolic pathways which are your estrogens, estroidals to  your cortisones and cordisol hormones etc.

    Progesterone is a hormone your body manufactures to feel safe.  It is manufactured from your ovaries to your adrenal glands.  If you have no ovaries due to a radical operation, then your adrenal glands take over.

    Progesterone makes you feel safe and calm.  It is one of the 87 hormones.  Each hormone is a precursor that manufactures another one and your enzymes do this job.

    They fit onto the hormone like a glove and break it down into another hormone. From a food called a phytosterol to DHEA and repaticiously for all 87 and only 2% has to do with sexual reproduction.

    So, yes... DHEA can help with depression, but in order for your body to produce its own on a constant basis, you need to supplement with phytosterols combined with omega 3's and specific enzymes for proper absorption and utilization on a cellular level.

    About St. John's Wort.  It is an herb.  Great for therapeutic reasons, but you don't need to depend upon that as much as an increase in physical activity (about 20 minutes a day) has been proven to reduce symptoms of depression significantly.

    FYI - Why do you think anti depressant drugs work for mood alterations?  Because they mess with your HORMONES.   So, yes... hormones have everything to do with depression and if most people knew this, anti depressant drugs wouldn't be so unecessarily prescribed in mass.  After all, long term use for SSRI's Seratonin (A hormone for good moods) inhibitors do cause brain damage.

    Also, DHEA will give a signal for your body to shut down its own process of converting its own DHEA and will age you faster, so your best bet is to get a phytosterol (plant source) product that is purified, has the synergistic affects to work, and your well on your way of supplementing smart.

    Message me.  I have a small book or a short read in adobe pdf format and I'll send it to you on phytosterols, DHEA and moods and what it helps and how it functions in supporting hormonal signals and cellular health.

  3. Yes it is safe to use them both at the same time.

  4. There are no interactions.

    However, DHEA (unlike St. John's Wort) has no mood elevating properties.  It has been useful in treating lupus, and many people believe it helps them build muscle mass, but it is not an anti-depressant.

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