
Is it safe to take Vitex while on the Pill?

by  |  earlier

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I just seen my doctors today for advice on how to get my normal cycle back. I made the mistake of taking the depo shot in april and now i've been bleeding since june! My doctor says its a normal side effect when getting off depo but now im ttc but i cant because im still bleeding and not sure when it will stop and be back to normal! So I decided to try the pill today and maybe it will help regulate my cycle. But I've been reading about Vitex and now I'm debating if i should try that instead? or if its safe to take both???




  1. hi hun,if im right vitex is to get your fertility back to normall,and is herbal,which is good,if you go on birth controll pills,you will stop ovulating,so if your trying to concieve this is the worst thing you can do,as it can take several months to start ovulation after birth control pills,so you will be back to square one,and your period on bc pills arnt real anyway,they are "fake periods" as you dont ovulate!

    if i was you id stay away from bc pills if you want a baby,and just try vitex untill you cycle is back to normall!

    goodluck x

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