
Is it safe to take a shower in the rain?

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when it rains i want to stand outside my backyard and take a shower with soap and shampoo. is the rain water safe for me?




  1. All of that soap being washed off by rainwater is called "pollution" and you either need to properly treat the wastewater onsite yourself with a septic tank or make sure it goes into a sanitary sewer.  You are being both paranoid and selfish with this idea.

  2. It will be totally safe to shower in the rain.  although there is acid rain in some areas and murcury contamination the amount is miniscule at least when talking about the duration of a shower and with the amount of chlorine and other chemicals in tap water its at least a wash in safty reguards.  I would probably recomend collecting the rain at least some incase the rain stops suddenly while you still are soapy and you might want to consider an eco friendly soap or at least low in purfume otherwise your yard will start to smell, well soapy!  You also will want an enclosure like a shower curtain or good stand of trees to keep the neighbors from complaining.  Finally you probably would want to have a way to walk back inside without getting muddy otherwise have fun and save water!

  3. Probably safer than your tap water, but unless you're having torrential downpours then you're going to have a time rinsing off.

  4. yes its safe, but i wouldnt suggest it. even if u live in a place with acid rain it wot harm u unless u like sit there and drink it, but it might have some reaction with the soap but im not sure


  6. saves water

    so i would assume yes


  7. The rain won't hurt you, but watch-out for lightning! I hope you use an Eco-friendly shampoo and soap,  we all live down stream if you know what I mean...

  8. Just so you don't try to wizz into the wind!

  9. Yes, that's totally OK.  If you like a hot shower, you can always set up a collection system with a water solar heating system and enjoy an uniteruppted flow of nice warm water.  Noone will hold that against you.

    Plus it could be awkward if you soap up and your "water supply" stops on you.

  10. wasteful water use is almost entirely industry driven, not personally. do not feel guilty about taking a shower. just keep it to 5 minutes or less. jennifer aniston made a big deal recently about her showers only being 3 minutes. well, as a big star, i am sure she makes up for that time with hair and salon and spa appointments. those industries use (and waste) far much more water than individuals.

  11. I would not recommend it. Rainwater comes from evaporated liquid water in numerous forms (ground, leaves, rivers, etc). Rainwater "picks up" many particles along the way.

    Not to totally gross you out, but many fungi and bryophytes (mosses) are fertilized by sperm that swims in rain water.

    If you want to conserve water, why not take a shower (which uses less water than a bath) and when scrubbing with soap, turn off the water; only turn it on to rinse.

    Congratulations for thinking outside the box :)

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