
Is it safe to take ibuprophen and aleve?

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If so, what would be a proper dose.

I have alot of 200 mg ibuprophen and only 1 aleve left.




  1. The proper dose would be what is on the bottle.

    The question of safety is more complicated than one might think.

    The short term answer:   All pharmeceuticals have side effects and all have some amount of toxicity in the body that the liver and kidneys have to work to filter out. Over the counter medications generally have fewer, less severe side effects and toxicity in the body than prescription drugs and are relatively "safe" if taken as directed.

    The long term answer: The body is your teacher, if it is communicating with you through pain and illness and you are covering over the pain and illness by masking the symptoms with medications then every symptom you mask over without making any changes in the lifestyle conditions that caused the symptom, a more serious condition will follow.

    If you had a recent injury and you are taking pain medication just until you heal and you take steps not to injure yourself again or if you know you have a tension headache because you just had a once yearly visit with a relative whom you truly can't stand, no problem.

    If you get headaches or pain and you are not sure why, notice the patterns and figure out why and eliminate the cause, so you won't get the headaches and then you won't need to mast the pain with drugs while the thing that started out by giving you a headache can continue to quietly erode your health.

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