
Is it safe to take like 5 cans of redbull and monster, what are the side effects?

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Is it safe to take like 5 cans of redbull and monster, what are the side effects?




  1. Think about what you're asking here.

    80mg per can of redbull, 5 cans,

    80mg x 5 cans = 400 mg of caffeine. A caffeine overdose is defined as 300 mg.

    Logically, do you think that is a safe amount of caffeine to be ingesting?

    If I could speak honestly, your question might be indicative of addiction. Do you think you could go 1 week without caffeine products?

    I'm sorry, I haven't answered your question yet.

    Headache, nausea, irritability, anxiety, insomnia, muscle twitching, irregular/rapid heartbeat, and stomach cramps are just some of the fun effects. As for whether its safe or not, hopefully you can make an informed decision.

  2. no really caffeine guy in the uk actually died doing that...and he did have a heart attack.

  3. yeah, its perfectly safe, if u dont mind having a heart attack.

  4. No it is not safe to have 5 cans of Red Puke or Monster.

    The maximum safe level of caffeine we can consume in a day is 300mg. There is 80 mg per serving in energy drinks. So 5 cans of Red Puke is 400mg and Monster, since it is 2 servings already, is 800mg.

    Short term problems with too much caffeine is severe dehydration, headache, sleeplessness, restlessness, and other aches in the body. Long term problems with too much caffeine involve the heart, kidneys, mental problems, skin problems and other organ problems.

    Plus that is a ton of sugar. 26g per serving for Monster for a total of 280g and 27g per serving for Red Puke which is 135g. Too much sugar leads to hyperactivity and is factors in ADD and ADHD. It also will increase weight and cause heart problems and diabeties.

    All of the combined stimulants in the energy drinks, is way to much and can cause heart problems right away. It can be just an irregular heart beat to a full blown heart attack.

  5. "Supermarket worker dies of heart attack 'after drinking four cans of Red Bull'

  6. Right on!  That's what i am talking about!

    Overly energized!!!!

  7. the enegy blend over load would be too much on u and u would be out like a light!!!!   u should limit three cans per day.

  8. well your heart beat just after on can goes faster another can goes faster. after five cans! you can die from a heart attack ! even on the can it tells your limit, 2 cans MY ADVICE: dont even drink one can bc you will just become addicted to them and want to drink more. still dont you know there bad for you?! period no exceptions!

  9. The people answering this post have no idea what they're talking about.  I've read two different answers that say that the limit for caffeine in a day is 300mg.  In a single venti cup of starbucks coffee there is 415mg of caffeine 5 times as much as what's in a can of red bull or monster.  If the amount that a person could process in a day was 300mg, starbucks would be out of business because the people going there to drink their coffees would be dead! Should you drink 5 energy drinks in a day? Absolutely not.  Will it give you a heart attack? Maybe. Are the chances of that pretty slim? Judging from the ever growing number of avid-starbucks coffee drinkers, yes.

  10. heart attack? ahah

  11. Salutations,

    Most energy drinks say on the can a daily limit in the number of cans. Be carefull going over. I am pretty sure 1 to 3 grams in an hour can be deadly. take care. you may also want to try

  12. NO

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