
Is it safe to take more than 20 mg of Prozac a day?

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My psychiatrist prescribed me 20 mg of Prozac. For the most part, it has worked really well, but some of the depression symptoms are starting to make an appearance again. I was wondering if it would be safe if my doctor increased my dosage. Does anyone know?




  1. If your doctor increased it, yes.  They prescribe up to 40mg.  Do not do it yourself.

  2. go to read the label on prozac and reccommended dosage. Or call pharmacy and asked a pharmacist, or ask ur doctor

    or try and see what happens. Its not going to kill u, I know that much.

  3. new flash:  we're not pharmacists nor physicians.  sometimes depression is a natural response to life.  don't start relying just on drugs when you should perhaps be doing your "homework".  it's called walking the walk

  4. Yes, it is safe, but ONLY if done by your doctor.

  5. Only your doctor would know for sure,  I know I do not need to tell you this but I would do anything based on on answers from here.  Just be safe and be careful.  I hope the symptoms go back down.

    DRAGON 2008


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