
Is it safe to take pepto bismal with ibprofen?

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Im taking 800 mg of Ibprofen(directed by doctor) and even tho I eat with it I am still getting queezy. I also have an abcess tooth which the pain is making me really sick, Im going to the dentist today so I would like to take some Pepto so I dont get sick in the office.




  1. don't ever take pepto bismal! take rolaids or tums.

  2. pepto bismol contains bismuth subsalicylate which is an aspirin dervative. Its best to not mix aspirin / aspirin dervatives with other meds in that family like ibuprofen. What can happen is an increased risk of stomach bleeding or excessive thinning of the blood. More than likely you will not have a problem, but to be extra safe, its best to use something like maalox, mylanta, or tums.

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