
Is it safe to travel alone to russia?

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I am going to Russia/Siberia August and was taking a friend with me but she bailed so im going to go by myself. I will be arriving in Moscow but I want to go all over and see the sights. My parents(that i do not live dont want me to go because I will be by myself. I'm 24 from Florida and I dont think it would be a problem. Some places i wanna go is Omsk, Moscow, st. petersburg , chechnya, and where ever else I can think of. I have never been and know nothing about there. Is there any places I should stay away from since Im traveling alone? Any advice? Whats the worst/ best that can happen? It seems like a safe place to visit, parents and friends are freaking out though.




  1. It is strange, but for you the most safe place will be the Chechen Republic. If you warn in advance somebody from tour operators there.

    To you will allocate personal bodyguards and you will be in the uttermost safety. As in the steel safe.

    In the rest, for you the language barrier becomes the main problem.

  2. First of all, it is definetly not safe if you are alone completely and have no knowledge of this wonderful country. Culture is much more different than what you have in US. Plus, if you are traveling for a long distance you gotta have a backup plan. Make sure you have enough money and time, just in case.

  3. Did you say Chechnya? Is this a joke or you want yourself to get shot?

    Do you speak Russian?

    I would rather join army then going to different country, without any knowledge by myself.

    It's a no-no.

  4. Okay, you can do it, but I'd really recommend not doing it alone.  Do you speak any Russian? The first reality of travelling in Russia is, although English is becoming more widely spoken (in the very large cities at least), elsewhere you are going to have a really hard time communicating with people. And anywhere in the world, there are scrupulous types who have no problem in taking advantage of people who are alone and/or don't speak the language of the country they're in.

    Have you gotten your visa already? What type of visa did/will you get? What cities did/will you list on your application as places you would visit? What city/cities will you register your visa in?

    Do NOT go to Chechnya! Okay, the war is over, but it's still not a stable or safe place to go, especially for a 24 year old foreigner by herself. I'm pretty certain that you wouldn't even be allowed to go there.

    Similarly, there are many other parts of Russia (including large sections of Siberia) that you aren't allowed to travel to without special permission of the Russian government.

    If you go alone, you'd best stick to the bigger cities: Moscow, St. Petersburg, Nizhniy Novgorod, Novosibirsk, Ekaterinburg, etc. Only use public transportation (i.e. no hitchhiking, etc.). Use a lot of common sense: if you wouldn't do something in your own country, don't even consider doing it abroad.

    I moved to Russia on my own when I was 18, and lived there until I was well over 21.  I can tell you, I loved that country and would move back if the weather wasn't so horrible, but I would freak out too if I had a 24 year old daughter saying she was going to travel there alone.

  5. Why would you want to make that kind of a trip alone?  When traveling abroad, I think that you would want someone to share all of those new experiences with.  Plus, you're a 24 year old female.  There's probably not a whole lot of places on this planet where you could feel completely safe.

  6. So you don't speak or read Russian,You are a 24 y/o female from the usa,You've never traveled there before and you want to go alone?

    Then you want to go to Chechnya? Are you kidding?

    Look,if you really want to go to Russia and you just HAVE to go,why not look into a tour group or a tour buddy.There are lots of travel agency that will hook you up with a travel group or travel buddy so you can be safe.Going to Russia alone when you never been there,are not from there and don't speak or understand the culture and language is not only stupid it is dangerous.Going to Chechnya is not only dangerous,most american journalist don't travel there often.Yeah,the war is over but there are lots of rebels and lots of dangerous things all around.While,Russia is moving forward into modern times it's still a country that is unknown to you.Really listen to your parents and think about this.If you MUST travel alone,perhaps try a place like London or Dublin but not Russia.What's the worse that could happen is you could be abducted and sold as a prostitute or slave or just raped and killed altogether...think about this first before planning some adventure alone.

  7. Perfectly fine and safe. Russia is one of the safest countries in the world. I travel to Russia at least 5 times a year and never ever had a problem with safety.

  8. ill go with you lol should be safe Russia is different now just dont let people stare you down p.s. learn karate just in case

    ohh yeah Moscow and St petersburg is safe alot of girls alone there youll blend in

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