
Is it safe to turn airplane by using only ailerons ?

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Also what are some negatives aboit it?




  1. Is it safe? No. Can it be done? Yes.

    If you turn using only aileron deflection, you are in an uncoordinated turn. If you are slow, and happen to stall the plane in the turn, you could enter a spin due to the lack of coordination. Be safe, use rudder.

  2. Yes, but flying out of trim can be unsettling to most people. They tend to blow chunks easier that way. I've turned airplanes (Cessna 172) by opening doors and have changed altitude with just trim controls to prove there are other ways to control flight. Have an experienced pilot or CFI with you before you ever experiment. Always talk things out before you try it and make sure its not prohibited in your operators manual. Doing things is a better ways to answer questions sometimes then just words. Have fun, be safe!

  3. Depends on the aircraft. Some have worst adverse yaw when rolling  than others. Gentle turns don't need much rudder. Some have the controls interconnected. If you want to find out for yourself, and have had spin training, get at least 10 mistakes high and give it a try. I recommend being alone while playing test pilot.

  4. Yes.  Using ailerons to enter a turn can cause adverse yaw.

  5. How many times must we answer this to make you feel okay?

    The ailerons are the chief control used in turning while in flight, and the rudder is only used to correct for adverse yaw to make the turn a coordinated turn, along with a certain amount of elevator input to compensate for the loss of lift due to the bank.

    So yes, it is done, and it is not particularly dangerous, but it is best to keep the angle of bank as shallow as possible.  In most airplanes in a 10 degree bank or less you would not notice the lack of rudder/elevator input.

    You could turn that way to any desired heading, 90 degrees or any other direction.

  6. Of course you can. It will be slower to complete the turn but rolling about the longitudinal axis using the ailerons can be done.

  7. its safe i usually turn with out them very very bad habit but not dangerous. as mention it is uncomfortable for my instructor

    i don't seem to notice as much.

    you can turn using only rudder secondary effects are bank

    the danger is you get given out to thats all

    no you are not going to go into a spin if you dont use rudder

    unless you are on the stall and then you are more likely to spin if you use the rudder improperly

  8. How slow are you flying?  Using only ailerons you might roll right and find the plane turning left.

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