
Is it safe to turn your car on while pumping gas?

by  |  earlier

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I've heard form people that it could blow up, start a fire, or just plain isnt safe, then I heard that nothing will happen. Just a simple answer is fine, thanks.




  1. I have pumped gas while the engine was still running and nothing happened, it is best to turn off the engine

  2. some times due to spark it may catch fire

  3. The worst that happens is the red-hot exhaust from a running vehicle ignites fuel or fumes, and you die in the resulting explosion and fire.  Believe it or not, your exhaust cools tremendously in the moments after you turn the car off and you start pumping gas.

    Gasoline vapours that come into contact with a live ignition wire with any arc, or damaged insulation, can cause an explosion as well.

    The people who say they do it all the time are idiots who endanger everybody else around them.

  4. they say its not safe, but my grandfather does it all the time, if you dont need to do it, dont

  5. It's not safe at all! Only idiots do that.

  6. Better to be safe then sorry, there is a chance of friction happening and thats how sparks start, the best thing you should do is turn your car off, stay out of your car until you are done filling gas. close it up, and leave.

  7. It could start a fire if the fumes from the gas being pumped get close enough to a source of ignition, though that is not really a concern today with the new vapor recovery nozzles that almost every gas station uses these days.

  8. its better to be turn of

    your welcome

  9. not turning it on....static electricity is what sparks it..

    plus i think thats illegal in the u.s.a.

  10. Hi,

    you should turn your car off, and then pump gas, just in case of some spark that reaches the gas fumes released during the pumping process.

    better safe than sorry

    Be safe

  11. its not safe but I do it all the time...   what people dont know is the fact that pumping gas in itself is dangerous, there is more accident reported about people igniting gas from the pump by static electricity and the like than incidents about starting your car and igniting a fire....

  12. NO NO NO....It is VERY unsafe to either turn your car on or leave it running while pumping gas. Who wants to run the risk of being killed?

  13. More often than not nothing will happen. Its a safety thing. Don't smoke either.

  14. Simple answer = NOT SMART TO DO.

  15. No, that is very unsafe.  Some cars don't even let you start your car if the gas tank is open.

  16. Well the reason being why it's not safe is kind of complicated. . .but trust me, it's not safe at all!!!  An explosion may occur, but it won't necessarily be that big. . .

  17. Better safe than never.

    But gas stations, some of them, have signs saying that you have to turn off your car.

  18. you can set your gas tank on fire just by getting in then back out with static starting the car itself is really unlikely that it will explode i actually think it cant happen but i still wouldnt chance it

  19. when your at a gas station, isnt your car running when your pumping gas...? why would you turn it off, it usually only takes me 5 minutes to pump gas, pay by credit card, and leave...

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